Monday, March 28, 2011

Caz and Craig - a nomadic family arround the world

We are Caz and Craig Makepeace. We are from Australia and have a beautiful 3 year old girl. Our passion in life is travel. We have been living and travelling around the world since 1997. In 2010 we decided to start our travel blog so we could share our amazing travel stories and tips and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

1) Tell me something about your life before and the reasons why you have become location independent.
Being location independent is a lifestyle we have had for many years. We often move to a country for a couple of years and use that as base to explore the surrounding regions. As we got older, the opportunities for work visas diminished and we realized that we needed to do something of our own in order to maintain our location independent lifestyle. Location independent is freedom and grants us the ability to make choices based on our desires not on our needs.

2) How did you plan a new life as a location independent?
We had to plan what to do with all our possessions. For years we rented out our house and kept our furniture etc in storage and then we sold everything, so we don’t own any possessions anymore.
The biggest thing you have to plan is your budget and finances. You have to work out how much you need to cover your expenses and where is the best place for you to be to make that happen.

3) What is your job or source of travels funding?
As our blog is not able to fully sustain us yet, we still work part time. Craig is a carpenter and I am a teacher. Both of these occupations are extremely portable which is why we have managed to live around the world so easily for so long.

4) Which countries have you been?
Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Fiji, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Morocco, Turkey, Germany, Czech Republic, Holland, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, South Africa, Namibia, USA, Puerto Rico, New Zealand.

5) What are the places you have loved more? and why?
We love the countries of South East Asia, as the people are so kind spirited and friendly and the lifestyle is cheap, laidback and stress free.
We love Africa for the diversity and beauty of the landscape and wildlife and the exotic cultures. Travelling Africa is a true adventure.

6) Is there any curiosity or episode occurred during your trips that you want to tell us?
This is a really hard question to answer as we have had so many experiences that are worth talking about. Every day there is a new curiosity occurring because it is a new experience, and I am filled with awe in wanting to know more.

7) Is there any difficulty that you've to face in your travels? how did you 
get it?
I think there are many difficulties you have to face when travelling. You are thrown into a strange environment that has new rules. You have to learn how to quickly adapt. I think once you learn how to let go of what you already know and learn the new ways without resisting the change then you can deal with any of the challenges that arrive with travelling in foreign lands.

8) Can you tell us what happens when you are going to leave for a trip?
(emotions, sensations, but also how you can organize a trip in practical
terms and and how you choose a destination)
Before I leave for a trip, I am beyond excited as I know I am going on an adventure. I never feel anxious or scared. I have been travelling for so long now that I could jump on a plane tomorrow for a new destination with no plans and be okay.
I try not to plan too much as so many things can happen and get in the way, I like to be flexible.
I choose a destination based on what my purpose is for travelling at the time. If I am looking for a new place to live then I have to choose based on criteria that suit my living expenses and work situation. I often choose a destination based on climate, budget and activities I am interested in doing there.
I do most of my research through guide book, recommendations and online.

9) Has the confront between many places and different cultures taught you something in particular?
That really in essence we are all the same. The only differences between us are minor details that make our cultures colourful. And these are differences that need to be celebrated. What we are made up of is the same no matter what your colour or culture. We still love, cry and dream in the same way.

10) why do you think someone should decide to become a location independent?
Because it allows you to make choices based on your dreams and desires. You are not held captive to mortgages, bosses, and nine-to-five jobs. Being location independent gives you the ability to explore and learn more about yourself and those who share this beautiful world with you.

11) do you think that anyone could become a location independent? and what
is required to become one?
Absolutely yes! But many people may not want to nor do they have the required mindset to do it. Becoming location independent means you have to stretch your comfort zones and break through limiting barriers. You have to be willing to think outside of the box and make lots of sacrifices.
You have to be determined with very clear goals to focus on, and you have to work hard. It is no picnic. It is no longer a job you can clock in and out of, this is your full-time business. It never leaves you. But, if you can do all of this then the rewards are tremendous and totally worth it.

12) do you want to say anything else to the readers of this blog?
Travel is such a great way to broaden your way of thinking and being. It will teach you so much about yourself and the wider world you live in. Life is all about the memories so make your life a story to tell. You can read my free ebook on 20 life lessons travel taught me

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