Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lindsay - a very nice canadian location independent

My name is Lindsay, but everyone calls me Hogga. My blog is The Traveller which is the ultimate guide to balancing tequila and tourism, wrapped in amusing tales of around the world mishaps and adventure.

1) Tell something about your life before and the reasons why you have become location independent.
Cliche, but I was your typical office/desk job employee, working in the events industry in Toronto. Not such a boring job, but I wanted more. I worked really hard and found I was not appreciated enough in my positions. I decided to start working on my own businesses so that
I could A) Benefit from my hard work and B) Work remote.

2) How did you plan a new life as a location independent?
I didn't really plan my life to be this way. It just kind of happened.
A good surprise! :)

3) What is your job or source of travels funding?
When I did my big year around the world, I had saved up for a year before leaving. I did end up working in a bar in New Zealand because it was expensive there.

4) Which countries have you been?
Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Japan, China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, New Zealand and Australia. I have also been around the United States quite a bit because it is so close to home (Canada).

5) What are the places you have loved more? and why?
I loved Peru. I think your view of a  city or country all depends on the people you meet and the experiences you have while there. Everyone experiences a place differently. In Peru I drank lots of beer and made new amazing friends. I love Peruvian culture.

6) Is there any curiosity or episode occurred during your trips that you want to tell us?
I was almost arrested in Peru. But the cops asked for money and then left me alone. I also managed to miss 2 major earthquakes. I was supposed to be in Chile when they had their big earthquake and same with Christchurch, New Zealand. Crazy how these things work out.

7) Is there any difficulty that you've to face in your travels? how did you get it?
I got extremely ill in Peru. I couldn't eat for something like, 10 days. I just tried my best to rest and drink lots of water. I think every traveler gets a stomach problem at least once on the road.

8) Can you tell us what happens when you are going to leave for a trip? (emotions, sensations, but also how you can organize a trip in practical termsand and how you choose a destination)
I was mostly nervous. I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed and was prepared. I try not to get too excited before hand, or I will loose sleep haha :)
Once I'm on that plane though, I get overwhelmed with excitement.
I had my whole trip planned in my head, but when I started traveling, I just learned to go with the flow and decide things on the spur of the moment.

9) Has the confront between many places and different cultures taught you something in particular?
Other than the typical lessons one learns about the world when seeing it first hand, I learned to embrace different cultures. I love Latin America and their culture the most. Being in the country in New Zealand was also very interesting.

10) Why do you think someone should decide to become a location independent?
They should decide if they are okay being far from their friends and family. I've met some people on the road who are not as comfortable and miss home too much. You will also need patience, it takes time. It won't happen overnight.

11) Do you think that anyone could become a location independent? and what is required to become one?
I think anyone can become location independent. You just have to really figure out what it is you will do and how you're going to do it. Do your research, there is always a way.

12) Do you want to say anything else to the readers of this blog?
Have fun, enjoy yourself and don't take life so seriously. There is more to the world beyond your cubicle.

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